Other Published Work
Just in case you’re curious about some of my other work, including a fun article on stereotypes, a paper on Technical Education Methods, plus several papers presented on my Ph.D. Dissertation topic… and the dissertation itself, here you go!

What's in a stereotype?
What’s in a stereotype? A humorous look at the qualities that separate the engineers from the “enginerds.”
By Marsha Tufft, P.E.
1989. IEEE Potentials, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 40-41.

Maximizing the Impact of Technical Education
Maximizing the Impact of Technical Education: Some Observations on Content and Methods
By Marsha K. Tufft, P.E.
1993. SAE Technical Paper Series, presented at the SAE Aerospace Atlantic Conference & Exposition, Dayton, Ohio, April 20-23, 1993. Published in Transactions of the SAE. SAE International, Paper # 931394.
Available through SAE.

ICSP-6 (1996) - Shot peening paper #1
Development of a Fracture Mechanics Methodology to Assess the Competing Mechanisms of Beneficial Residual Stress and Detrimental Plastic Strain Due to Shot Peening
By Marsha K. Tufft, P.E.
Author: Marsha K. Tufft
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-6, (presented only)
Doc ID: 1996125
Year of Publication: 1996

ICSP-6 (1996) - Shot peening paper #2
Instrumented Single Particle Impact Tests Using Production Shot: The Role of Velocity, Incidence Angle, and Shot Size.
By Marsha K. Tufft, P.E.
Author: Marsha K. Tufft
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-6, (presented only)
Doc ID: 1996126
Year of Publication: 1996

PhD dissertation
Development of a Fracture Mechanics / Threshold Behavior Model to Assess the Effects of Competing Mechanisms Induced by Shot Peening on Cyclic Life of a Nickel-base Superalloy, René 88DT
By Marsha Klopmeier Tufft
1997, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio

ICSP-7 (1999) - Shot peening paper #1
Shot Peen Impact on Life, Part 1: Designed Experiment Using René 88DT
By Marsha Tufft, P.E., Ph.D.
Author: M Tufft
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-7 (pg 244-253)
Doc ID: 1999035
Year of Publication: 1999

ICSP-7 (1999) - Shot peening paper #2
Shot Peen Impact on Life, Part 2: Single Particle Impact Tests Using Production Shot
By Marsha Tufft, P.E., Ph.D.
Author: M Tufft
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-7 (pg 254-263)
Doc ID: 1999036
Year of Publication: 1999

ICSP-7 (1999) - Shot peening paper #3
Shot Peen Impact on Life, Part 3: Development of a Fracture Mechanics / Threshold Behavior Predictive Model
By Marsha Tufft, P.E., Ph.D.
Author: M Tufft
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-7 (pg 264-273)
Doc ID: 1999037
Year of Publication: 1999

ICSP-8 (2002) - plenary paper on shot peening
Modeling of Fatigue Behavior due to Shot Peening Conditions
By M.K. Tufft, P.E., Ph.D.
Author: M.K. Tufft, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati
Source: Conf Proc: ICSP-8 Sept. 16-20, 2002 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Doc ID: 2002069
Year of Publication: 2002

2005 Shot Peener of the Year award
Congratulations to Marsha Tufft and Helmut Wohlfahrt, our 2005 Shot Peeners of the Year. Ms. Tufft was chosen in honor of the thesis she authored while working at GE. It is a very comprehensive investigation of effects and influences of shot peening titled: Development of a Fracture Mechanics/Threshold Behaviour Model to Assess the Effects of Competing Mechanisms Induced by Shot Peening on Cyclic Life of a Nickel-base Superalloy, René 88DT. Prof. Dr. Wohlfahrt is a member of the International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening and has been a driving force in coordinating and guiding the growth of the triennial International Conferences on Shot Peening. The following biographies will highlight the achievements of these important contributors to both the scientific and industrial components of shot peening.